Memorandum of cooperation has been signed between Czech and Austria |

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Memorandum of cooperation has been signed between Czech and Austria

Prague – On Tuesday, 18th December at 2:30 PM an important meeting took place in the House of Representatives of the Czech Republic. Senator and the Chairman of the Education Comittee Marcel Chladek (CSSD) met Herbert Stemper, representative of WIFI International – Educational Institute of the Economic Chamber, Austria. Marcel Chladek initiates effort to reform Czech vocational education – to roof these pursuit he even established a working group in Senate that deals with the issue.

„Marcel Chladek´s tendency to reform Czech vocational education system is very welcomed by us. We intend to provide Chladek´s working group with any helpful experience as a Czech branch office of the educational insitute of the Austrian Economic Chamber WIFI and we want to help this group to implement the Austrian systém of life-long learning into Czech,“ comments the situation Tomas Zdechovsky, Managing Director of WIFI Czech Republic.

The meeting of Marcel Chladek and WIFI representative Herbert Stemper is a next step in preparation of the Czech vocational education reform that is supposed to get inspiration from the Austrian dual system that emhasises practice. This attitude is rather rare in the Czech Republic. WIFI International has a branch office in Czech, WIFI Czech Republic in entitled to be a moderator of support from the Austrian side and a partner of the working group in the whole process.

Austrian WIFI and Marcel Chladek have signed a memorandum in Senate that ensures the cooperation with the Education Comittee. Austria has one of the lowest unemployment rates in Europe by vocational schools graduates and would like to pass as much experience to Czech as possible from this field.


Martina Honsová
Projektový manažer

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Vydáno: 18. 12. 2012 16:18
Kategorie: Studium a vzdělání
Název zdroje: Agentura (ověřený zdroj [?])
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