E-learning: an innovative way of studying foreign languages | Tiskovky.info

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E-learning: an innovative way of studying foreign languages

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Hradec Králové – A significant growth of interest in studying foreign languages online was noticed by WIFI Czech Republic – the educational provider based in Hradec Kralove. This fact underlines the trend of methodology change that happened recently in the field of language studies. Nowadays, regular lessons in a language school may seem outdated. Most people want do decide themselves when to work on their language skills, define what to study and last but not least – how much money to invest.

Hradec Králové – A significant growth of interest in studying foreign languages online was noticed by WIFI Czech Republic – the educational provider based in Hradec Kralove. This fact underlines the trend of methodology change that happened recently in the field of language studies. Nowadays, regular lessons in a language school may seem outdated. Most people want do decide themselves when to work on their language skills, define what to study and last but not least – how much money to invest.

“E-learning courses are a Europe-wide phenomenon. However, the problem is that high quality online courses are often missing in the range of trainings offered by Czech educational agencies. We aim at overcoming this gap by providing sophisticated product called Tell Me More 10 which was fully developed in Austria,” comments on the trend of e-learning spread Martina Honsova, the Project Manager of WIFI Czech Republic, the branch office of one of the biggest educational providers in Austria - WIFI International.

These days, most customers require flexibility. Attending expensive courses at a language school twice to three times a week may not have the same outcomes as studying every day at home while being highly self-motivated. One saves time and what more – a lot of money.

“Tell Me More is a product that offers wide range of activities. It can simulate a real conversation which is a great advantage. Except for that, it includes thousands of language exercises. One does not need to meet a real lector; the computer does all the work. However, it naturally does not mean that the traditional ways of studying foreign languages would face their total down-climb,” closes the topic Tomas Zdechovsky, the Managing Director of WIFI Czech Republic.


Tomáš Zdechovský
734 335 909
+420 495 279 247

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Vydáno: 9. 4. 2013 15:35
Kategorie: Studium a vzdělání
Název zdroje: Agentura Commservis.com (ověřený zdroj [?])
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