Worldcom Public Relations Group Announces Newly Elected Group Board of Directors at International Meeting in Madrid |

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Worldcom Public Relations Group Announces Newly Elected Group Board of Directors at International Meeting in Madrid

Adds new partner to its roster of independent public relations counseling firms

NEW YORK – June 3rd, 2011 – Worldcom Public Relations Group, the world’s leading partnership of independently owned public relations counseling firms, announced the appointment of the 2011-2012 board members during the group’s annual meeting, held May 17-20 in Madrid, Spain, and hosted by Grupo Albion.

Matt Kucharski of Padilla Speer Beardsley in Minneapolis, Minn. will continue to Chair of the thirteen-member Worldcom Group Board.

“The Worldcom Group Board is comprised of agency leaders from some of the top independent firms around the globe,” said Matt Kucharski, Chair, Worldcom Public Relations Group and Senior Vice President at Padilla Speer Beardsley. “They are a great representation of the power of Worldcom – a true partnership dedicated to helping clients transform their businesses through strategic communications in the markets and industries important to their success.”

Kucharski welcomed two new board members: newly elected Asia-Pacific Region Chair, Cindy Payne of Asia-Pacific Connections in Singapore, and Hal Dash of Cerrell Associates in Los Angeles, appointed as the At-Large/Next-Generation Staffing board member.

In addition, board members continuing their terms or elected to additional terms of office include: Corrina Voss, HBI Helga Bailey GmbH, Chair-elect and EMEA Region Chair; Melissa Sturges, Sturges Word Communications, Treasurer; Stephanie Paul, Phillips Group, Strategic Plan; Tom Van Blarcom, TQPR Thailand, Membership; Noemi Pollack, The Pollack PR Marketing Group, Marketing; Francie Israeli, John Adams Associates, Peer Review; Mae Manekulpan, TQPR Thailand, Knowledge Sharing; and Virginia Sheridan, M. Silver Associates, Americas Region Chair.

Worldcom, with a total of 2,125 employees, experienced an 8 percent growth in partner revenue over the last year. In 2010, Worldcom partners provided strategic public relations services to more than 3,200 clients worldwide, generating revenue of more than $263 million USD.

Worldcom also voted in a new partner in the Asia-Pacific Region, Finese PR, a boutique communication consultancy headquartered at New Delhi, India.

The 2012 annual group meeting will be held in Rio de Janiero, hosted by Worldcom partner PLANIN from Brazil. For more information on Worldcom Public Relations Group, please visit

About Finese PR
Finese PR is a boutique communication consultancy headquartered at New Delhi, India, offering PR services across India. Established in 2000, Finese PR provides all aspects of public relations services to clients across India and other geographies. Finese PR designs effective public relations, investor relations, digital PR and public affairs campaigns for its clients, and has had the privilege of creating, nurturing and repositioning brands.

About the Worldcom Public Relations Group
Established in 1988, The Worldcom Public Relations Group, is today the world


Patrik Schober
Managing Partner

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