Worldcom PR Group EMEA strengthens its position and support for clients in Benelux |

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Worldcom PR Group EMEA strengthens its position and support for clients in Benelux

InstiCOM, from Belgium, and IvRM, from The Netherlands joined the acclaimed PR network

Brussels, Belgium. 8th November 2010 – The Worldcom Public Relations Group, the world’s leading network of independently owned public relations counseling firms, has expanded its capability of providing global PR services with the addition of two new partner agencies in Europe: InstiCOM, based in Belgium, and IvRM, from the Netherlands.

“InstiCOM joined the Worldcom PR Group because of the excellent reputation of the network and the professionalism of its partners. We can help partners and companies worldwide with our expertise in the Belgian market and offer an integrated approach for Benelux together with our two Dutch partners”, comments Hans Karperien, CEO of InstiCOM. Worldcom PR Group EMEA also has the support of Wisse Kommunikatie in the Netherlands.

“We decided to join the Worldcom PR Group because it gives us access to international, in-depth communications expertise. With more than 100 independently owned public relations counseling firms, Worldcom is the leading global network. IvRM services a wide range of international clients who can now be served by Worldcom partners wherever they need support”, says Peter Davina, Director at IvRM.

Both partners joined Worldcom PR Group after passing a comprehensive selection process and fulfilling the quality standards required to become a member of the network.

During the past year, Worldcom PR Group has shown significant growth in EMEA, with the addition of new partners in France, Sweden, Turkey, Egypt, Lebanon and, recently, in the Netherlands and Belgium.

About IvRM
IvRM is at the forefront of the new generation of communication agencies. Continually focused on building and strengthening the reputations of its clients, IvRM provides organisations with strategic communications advice and guides them in translating this advice into practical solutions. The key practise areas of IvRM are Public Relations, Public Affairs and editorial productions that meet its clients


Patrik Schober
Managing Director

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Vydáno: 8. 11. 2010 11:35
Kategorie: Ostatní
Název zdroje: PRAM Consulting s.r.o. (ověřený zdroj [?])
Popis zdroje:
PRAM je agenturou s působením na českém a slovenském trhu, která nabízí více než sedmileté zkušenosti v oblasti PR, marketingu a podpory prodeje. Pomáhá obchodním partnerům nejen s prosazováním značky na trhu a s podporou prodeje jejich výrobků, ale také s mediální podporou a s organizováním akcí firemních, společenských či školení. Společnost PRAM se dále zabývá oblastí produkce, tisku, mediálního plánování, nákupu reklamy a výrobou reklamních předmětů.


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