Worldcom PR Group EMEA Reports on Success of its Regional Meeting in Istanbul |

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Worldcom PR Group EMEA Reports on Success of its Regional Meeting in Istanbul

During the meeting, two new partners from Finland and the UK were added to the network.

Brussels, Belgium. 25 October 2010 – The Worldcom Public Relations Group, the world’s leading network of independently owned public relations counseling firms, reports today on the success of its EMEA regional meeting, held in Istanbul from 30 September to 2 October.

During the meeting, professionals from over 30 countries have discussed the particular business situation in their countries and the latest trends in PR. They’ve also been sharing information on Worldcom global initiatives, such as the newly redesigned Worldcom University, the learning and education center of Worldcom PR Group.

Two new agencies were added to the network: Medita Communication, from Finland, and JBP PR, from the UK. And, the Worldcom PR Group EMEA has also offered two workshops for Turkish companies, led by top communication specialists from partner agencies in the region.

New Partners in Finland and the UK

Medita Communication is a PR and communication agency based in Jyväskylä and Helsinki, Finland, and focused on offering communication solutions to technology and industrial companies and expert service providers. “We believe that Worldcom will help us to serve our international operating clients better. And we intend to be active members; we are keen to learn more and share our knowledge with our Worldcom partners”, said Tiinu Wuolio, Owner at Medita Communication.

JBP PR is a leading public affairs PR agency in the UK, with 25 years of experience. “We are very enthusiast people and we are interested in working with Worldcom partners. By joining the network, we are bringing a strong corporate and political background, together with a staff who is interested in working in communications”, said Liam Herbert, Director at JBP.

The Newly Designed Worldcom University
The Worldcom University, the learning and education center of The Worldcom Public Relations Group, has recently been newly redesigned, and during the meeting it was presented officially to all the partners. It will serve as the exclusive education and learning center for the 1,800 employees of the 107 Worldcom partner firms around the world. New offerings on the interactive site will include instructional videos, webinars, whitepapers as well as thought leadership conversations culled from blogs and social media sites. The online classrooms will provide Worldcom members the opportunity to stay current as to innovative practices as well as rapidly evolving tools used in public relations, marketing and advertising.
Networking and strategic planning
“Our meeting in Turkey counted with the active participation of practically all our partners in the EMEA region, and was an excellent opportunity for networking and for setting up goals for the following months. We’ve been doing some serious teamwork and workshops, and planning together the best strategies for providing our clients with the best services at a global level”, said Corinna Voss, Worldcom EMEA Chair.

The next Worldcom EMEA meeting will be held in Cape Town, South Africa, in fall 2011. Further details will be announced at a later date.

About Medita Communication
Medita Communication is a PR and communication agency based in Jyväskylä and Helsinki, Finland. Medita is specialised in strategic contents and communication solutions for technology and industrial companies as well as expert service providers. More information in:

About JBP PR
JBP was set up in 1984 and has established itself as one of the leading communications consultancies regionally and nationally. Its current client list includes a host of leading business brands – Allied Irish Bank, easyGroup, Knight Frank, National Grid and Sainsbury’s, as well as a range of fast growing SMEs - the big businesses of the future - and large public sector organizations. More information in:

About Worldcom PR Group
Worldcom Public Relations Group is the world’s leading partnership of independently owned public relations counseling firms, with some 112 offices in 93 cities worldwide. Established in 1988, it was formed so that the strongest, most capable independent public relations firms could serve national, international and multi-national clients while retaining the flexibility and client-service focus inherent in independent agencies. Through The Worldcom Group, clients have on-demand access to in-depth communications expertise from professionals who understand the language, culture and customs of the geographic arenas in which they operate. Visit for more information.

Worldcom EMEA currently comprises 38 agencies with strong expertise in consumer, healthcare, travel & tourism, technology, energy & environment, financial services, investor relations, public affairs and crisis & issues management. Clients include Verizon, Kodak, Unilever, Johnson & Johnson, Panasonic, Sony Ericson, LG Electronics, the EU Anti-Tobacco Campaign, Verbatim and Palm. Visit for more information.


Patrik Schober
Managing Director

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