Worldcom PR Group EMEA holds its 2010 regional meeting in Istanbul |

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Worldcom PR Group EMEA holds its 2010 regional meeting in Istanbul

Aggressive expansion in the Middle East and Africa is one point on the agenda

Brussels, Belgium. 27th September 2010 – The Worldcom Public Relations Group, the world’s leading network of independently owned public relations counselling firms, will be holding its 2010 regional meeting at the Ritz Carlton Istanbul, Turkey, from 30th September to 2nd October.

PR Professionals from more than 30 countries in EMEA will be discussing the latest trends in communication and the particular situation in each of their home markets. The Worldcom PR Group EMEA will also be offering two workshops for Turkish companies, led by top communication specialists from partner agencies in the region.

“We have chosen Istanbul because it is not only geographically central to the EMEA region but also a key emerging market in terms of PR and marketing communications. Worldcom PR Group’s strategy is focused on expanding our presence in the Middle East and Africa, and in the past twelve months we have added several new partners from this region”, comments Corinna Voss, Chair of the Worldcom PR Group EMEA. “We believe this regional meeting will be a fantastic opportunity to share experiences with our partners, listen to the latest updates about communication trends all over EMEA, and of course network with partners all over the region”.

During the past twelve months, additional partners from France, Sweden, Turkey, Egypt, Lebanon, the Netherlands and Belgium have joined the Worldcom PR Group EMEA and the Group will continue to grow aggressively in the months ahead.

About Worldcom PR Group
Worldcom Public Relations Group is the world’s leading partnership of independently owned public relations counselling firms, with some 107 offices in 95 cities worldwide. Established in 1988, it was formed so that the strongest, most capable independent public relations firms could serve national, international and multi-national clients while retaining the flexibility and client-service focus inherent in independent agencies. Through The Worldcom Group, clients have on-demand access to in-depth communications expertise from professionals who understand the language, culture and customs of the geographic arenas in which they operate. Visit for more information.

Worldcom EMEA currently comprises 36 agencies with strong expertise in consumer, healthcare, travel & tourism, technology, energy & environment, financial services, investor relations, public affairs and crisis & issues management. Clients include Verizon, Kodak, Unilever, Johnson & Johnson, Panasonic, Sony Ericson, LG Electronics, the EU Anti-Tobacco Campaign, Verbatim and Palm. Visit for more information.


Patrik Schober
Managing Director

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Vydáno: 28. 9. 2010 21:46
Kategorie: Informační technologie
Název zdroje: PRAM Consulting s.r.o. (ověřený zdroj [?])
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