The 6th annual ING Kampa Group Midsummer Invitational at Konopiště |

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The 6th annual ING Kampa Group Midsummer Invitational at Konopiště

On Friday June 25, 2010, the Konopiště Golf Course hosted the sixth annual ING Kampa Midsummer Invitational golf tournament. This prestigious corporate golf event is organised by ING Commercial Banking and Kampa Group for its clients and each player donates a green fee of CZK 500 to Tereza Maxová Foundation for children. Winners of the tournament were announced at a party in Hergetova Cihelna which followed a Latin American theme this year.

“The Midsummer Golf Invitational tournament was again a big success and a total of CZK 91 800 was raised in green fees. I am pleased that with every year our tournament rises on the popularity scale of both social and corporate events – it is an opportunity to play a round of golf, meet with our business partners and – through ING Commercial Banking Fund – contribute to the Tereza Maxová Foundation for children,” says Rolf-Jan Zweep, CEO ING Bank CR, adding: “Thanks to this golf tournament we established a tradition of social responsibility towards those who need help, which I am very happy about.”

As every year, the winners were announced in Hergetova Cihelna, in the middle of the historical heart of Prague. The tournament was played as a doubles’ Texas scramble stroke play and the players scored excellent results for which even a professional would not be ashamed.


Martina Lasotová
Account Executive

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Vydáno: 2. 7. 2010 14:55
Kategorie: Kultura
Název zdroje: Stance Communications, s. r. o. (ověřený zdroj [?])
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